

Criteria for Compensation

The tobacco class actions only cover certain smokers or ex-smokers who meet the specific criteria outlined below.

After a trial lasting nearly 3 years, the Quebec Superior Court ruled that certain smokers or ex-smokers diagnosed with lung cancer, throat cancer or emphysema are entitled to financial compensation from the defendant tobacco companies. The Quebec Court of Appeal upheld the Superior Court’s decision and reiterated the criteria that must be met in order to receive financial compensation.

In order to qualify for compensation under the tobacco class actions you must have:

1. Smoked at least 87,600 cigarettes manufactured by Imperial Tobacco, RBH or JTI-MacDonald between January 1, 1950 and November 20, 1998.

For example :
20 cigarettes a day for 12 years (20 x 365 x 12 = 87,600 cigarettes) or
10 cigarettes a day for 24 years (10 x 365 x 24 = 87,600 cigarettes).

2. Been diagnosed before March 12, 2012 with one of the following diseases:

Primary lung cancer;
Primary squamous cell cancer of the throat (larynx, oropharynx or hypopharynx); or

3. Been a Quebec resident at the time of your diagnosis with the tobacco related illness.

The heirs of a tobacco victim meeting these 3 criteria are also entitled to compensation if the victim died after November 20, 1998.

If you’re part of the class actions and haven’t registered yet, it’s not too late.